Join our affiliate program

If you like recommending various products to your friends and family and want to earn money from it, the affiliate program of the store may be the perfect solution for you. The store offers you the opportunity to recommend products on your own or create your own team. We offer three levels of affiliate program, through which you can earn 20%, 10%, and 5% on each sale, depending on whether you refer our products directly, someone from your team, or someone recruited to the affiliate program by someone from your team.

The first level of the program allows you to earn 20% on every sale you make through your unique affiliate link or customer friendly discount code. You can recommend products using this link or discount code on your social media pages(facebook, Twiter, YouTube, TikTok etc.), in your newsletter or by directly contacting people who may be interested in what we have to offer.

If you manage to recruit another person into our affiliate program, you earn 10% on every sale that person makes. You can invite and recruit an unlimited number of people into the program, so your earnings are unlimited.

If the person you have recruited recruits someone to our affiliate program on their own, you earn 5% of every sale they make. This creates the possibility of building a very large team and generating passive income.

We care about high effectiveness, that’s why we will help you to promote our store by preparing for you ready-made graphics and texts, which will help you to promote MinkyPinky.


  1. Share your link or discount code
  2. Earn a % on all sales
  3. Create your team and earn % also from their referrals

Build your network marketing team, increase your earnings and start earning passive income.

Example: Anna is an avid shopper at and loves to recommend the products she buys to her friends and family. So she decides to join the store’s affiliate program. She receives a unique affiliate link and a discount code from the store, which she can use to recommend products to her friends.

Anna starts promoting the store’s products on her social media profile and in her newsletter. One of her friends, Kacper, is interested in buying one of the products, so he clicks on the link or uses Anna’s discount code to make a purchase. Anna receives 20% of that sale as compensation for recommending the product.

Kacper is satisfied with the purchased product and decides to join the store’s affiliate program as well. Kacper earns 20% from every sale that occurs after using his discount code or from entering the store from his referral link. Anna receives 10% from every sale that Kacper manages to make.

Kacper in turn starts recommending products to his friends, including Maria. When Maria signs up for our affiliate program and starts recommending our products and earns 20% from each sale made, Anna receives 5% and Kacper receives 10% from each sale Maria makes.

With an affiliate program like this, Anna is able to make money not only by recommending products directly but also by recruiting other people to the program who can recommend products themselves. The ability to build a team provides additional earning potential and allows Anna to generate passive income.
